Continuous Tracking Plan
With a heavy focus on improving outcomes, it is imperative to have a system in place to accurately track the success of the individuals receiving help from the J Wayne Foundation. While many traditional methods that rely on self-reporting fall short, it should also be understood that there is no such thing as “one size fits all” in the world of addiction and recovery. There are many factors across each socioeconomical class that contribute to creating accurate outcomes. Our goal is to utilize a series of unique metrics not only to measure an individual’s length of sobriety, but also measure quality of life, advancements in education, employment success and community standing.
Continuous Tracking Plan, otherwise known as CTP not only allow us short term and intermediate tracking, but also long term outcomes to be defined by reliable data. This will include face to face interviews with recipients, maintaining contact with individuals’ family system, significant other, employer if applicable, court representative if applicable as well as collaborating with any treatment professionals still involved in administering care. We will also incorporate a technology piece utilizing devices such as Sober Link, partnering with labs that are local to the individual to provide urine drug screening to ensure a sustained recovery from all mind-altering substances. We will also periodically interview recipients on current living situations, employment status, goal planning and achievements. CTP provides continued support through administering guidance to the most appropriate and effective resources available for each recipient.
Lack of funding is the root cause of why facilities are unable to properly follow up on clients who leave treatment. This causes a spike in relapses and the cycle starts over. With your generous donation, the J Wayne Foundation can provide the much needed aftercare for our recipients.