First Responders & Veterans

The First Responders & Veterans QRF Fund was created to serve and honor our First Responders and Veterans by providing access to compassionate and professional treatment that includes structured living in a sober environment for substance use and Post Traumatic Stress.

“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause” -Abraham Lincoln

“Long after our commitment to serve has ended it remains our duty to honor and care for our military brethren in arms.” -Anonymous Veteran

Abusing drugs, alcohol or any mind-altering substances is a dangerous coping mechanism that can be present by anyone suffering from traumatic events. Initially it may help the feelings of anger, or guilt subside; however, it ultimately leads to self-destructive behaviors and depression. It is also common for those suffering to experience legal difficulties, financial stress, discord within family and marital relationships and even death. With professional and compassionate care our First Responders and Veterans can find the peace they deserve.

J Wayne Foundation
Rising from the ashes of Addition into Recovery

Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower and provide essential evidence based service opportunities for those recovering from addiction.

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